Do! you think that the income you are earning is your actual amount of income? No, some amount of your income is spent on health problems of yourself and your family members. Due to health issues caused by different factors, it decreases your actual amount of income. Let's discuss some of these factors:
Water Pollution
Air Pollution
Noise Pollution
Trees remove harmful pollutants from the air. When trees are cut down, global warning rises up and various health problems are born.
Market Items
Water Pollution
Water for household use mixes with contaminated water can causes serious heath issues such as Gastro , Hepatitis etc
Pollutants present in air enters in our body through breath which causes lung diseases, asthma and other respiratory problems.
Noise pollution affects both behavior and health. Unwanted sound can damage physiological health. Noise pollution can cause hypertension, sleep disturbances, tinnitus, hearing loss, high stress levels.
Cutting of TreeTrees remove harmful pollutants from the air. When trees are cut down, global warning rises up and various health problems are born.
Market Items
Products sold at hawkers and open market heath diseases like hepatitis B and C
Smoke of cigarettes is injurious to health It result in passive smoking and causes lung cancer and cardiac problems
How to Stop these Health Diseases?
Dear Friend! By taking a few steps we can stop these diseases from coming. So we should take these initiatives seriously so we and our family members remain safe from these diseases.
- Do not smoke cigarette and do not sit near someone who has a habit of cigarettes.
- Do not eat open items from the market and hawkers.
- Drink excess and pure water.
- Wear mouth mask when you are outside.
- Do daily exercise and morning walk.
- Clean your teeth twice a day.
- Take a bath daily.
- Plant trees in your surroundings.
May God Save Us From All Diseases, Ameen!
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